Maximize your reimbursements with strategic contract optimization.

Your practice creates immense value for your patients. Aroris identifies opportunities in your payer agreements and builds a data-backed case to help you get your fair share.

Learn How

Aroris builds compelling rate cases for negotiation.

Peer benchmarking shows providers where they stand.

Legal experts scrub contracts and fee schedules for unfavorable terms.

Aroris visualizes payer history, terms, and rates to spot opportunities.

Crafting provider-first payer contracts

We partner with our clients to bring transparency and actionable insights to the contracting process.

Fair Market Data

Aroris shows you where you stand compared to your peers, shining light on unfavorable contract terms and CPT codes that offer potential for increase.

Contract Visualization

We convert payer agreement terms into clear visual models so you can quickly track the performance of your payer contracts.

Regular Contract Analysis

Our experts examine your contracts to ensure they are as competitive as possible, and our contract renewal notifications help you stay on top of contract management.

Strategic Recommendations

Based on our thorough review, Aroris experts will offer strategic guidance tailored to your practice’s priorities and daily pain points.

Creating Personalized Partnerships

“After understanding what thriving looks like for your practice, Aroris leverages smart analytics and fair market data to get you paid fairly for the work you’re doing.”

The Aroris Approach

How we help providers optimize payer contracts

The Aroris approach enhances the value you receive from payer agreements by empowering you to negotiate more effectively. Here’s how it works.

Aroris Payer Data Engine: Unlock valuable contract insights

Aroris digitizes each payer's contract terms, fee schedules, and reimbursement history into a quick-access database with easy-to-use data visualization tools.


  • Digitized contracts
  • Dashboard reporting
  • Contract renewal notifications
  • Secure online access

Aroris Contract and Network Analysis: Gain a strategic edge

A documented analysis prepared by Aroris experts identifies contract, network, and reimbursement rate opportunities.


  • Contract language review
  • Fee schedule review
  • Network participation review & recommendations
  • Ad hoc contract inquiries

Aroris Rate Case Builder: Amplify your negotiating power

Aroris experts analyze provider and market data to construct compelling, fact-based cases for reimbursement increases.


  • Peer benchmarking
  • Rate optimization strategy
  • Reimbursement revenue forecasting
  • Data-visualized rate case

Why partner with Aroris for contract optimization?

Industry expertise, advanced analytics, and a proven record of success — that’s the Aroris advantage.

Industry Expertise

Our legal and contract experts know exactly what to look for when building your case for rate increases.

Advanced Analytics

When you partner with Aroris, your practice unlocks the power and precision of our state-of-the-art technology.

Proven Record of Success

We work tirelessly to drive results for our clients, setting your practice up for sustainable, data-fueled growth.

Provider success stories with Aroris contract optimization

Practices like yours are what make American healthcare great — and nothing motivates us like seeing our clients succeed.